Ldot; The study management system
Secure storage of personal data
Standardise your study protocol
Save time and money in executing your study
Create an audit of every move you make
Keep track of your study progress
One central Ldot to manage all participating organisations

Ldot; Focus on data and workflow
Conducting scientific studies can be very challenging, in particular if you take into account all relevant privacy and security related laws and guidelines. Ldot can help you with all logistics, so you can focus on your actual research data. Ldot improves the quality of your study by helping you to conduct all steps from your study protocol, whilst being compliant with laws and guidelines like GDPR and GCP. Ldot is suitable for studies of any size.​
Reduce the risk of data leaks and data loss
Ldot has been designed to store personal information of all your subjects, conforming to GDPR. By using Ldot, you can be certain that the personal data of your study subjects are stored safe and secure. We believe that it is important to store personal data separate from research data.
Minimise team effort
Ldot will help you to keep track of all your subjects and the steps they have to undergo, by instantly presenting the relevant information. No need to keep your own agenda, Ldot shows you what to do, for whom, at a given time point. An increasing number of actions can automatically be conducted for you, for example sending scheduled e-mail and SMS messages.
Safeguard and standardise your study protocol
By schematizing your study protocol in Ldot, you will maintain full control over execution of all steps in the protocol, without the risk of individual interpretation.
Ldot is suitable for studies of any size but indispensable for multi center research projects. The standardised protocol will be conducted exactly similar, disregarding the location it is conducted from. Extended user management helps you to be sure that research staff only has access to steps and subjects they are allowed to see.
Ldot has been designed to be the central linchpin between other relevant software solutions in the field of scientific research, like data collection tools, imaging storage tools and electronic health record software (EPD). Ldot therefore exchanges data with a growing number of other applications.
Specifically for studies containing multiple appointments, an extended planning module is developed in close collaboration with De Maastricht Studie. This Ldot-extension helps you to plan appointments, taking into account available time slots, and allowing you to view and reschedule in an intuitive calendar view.
Call-me-in and Informed Consent
It is also possible to have built study specific websites to enroll subjects or gather informed consent. These websites can be tailored to your specific needs and styling. Relevant information can be used in the Ldot workflow.
Ldot is trusted in dozens of studies for more than a decade, and is now available for research teams worldwide.
emails sent
text messages sent

Example studies
Some studies that already benefit from the use of Ldot

Contact us
Get in touch for more information or a free demonstration about the advantages Ldot has to offer for your study.
P. Debyeplein 1
6229 HA Maastricht
+31 43 3882257

Ldot is brought to you by MEMIC, Maastricht University
MEMIC is the center for data and information management at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University. We facilitate researchers with data collection, information management and knowledge extraction. We expertly manage the data during research and are aware to make data FAIR. We happily think along with you and make unique research possible together with our partners.